

At WEmpower our purpose is ignited by our deep passion to enrich the lives of individuals who engage with our services. We strive to provide high-quality support to help maintain independence and wellbeing by:

Cultivating and nurturing human connections

Providing dedicated support

Fostering empowerment

Creating this requires a passionate team that forms a supportive and caring community. We truly value each one of our staff, they are all at the heart of our empowering journey. So how do we support them?


    Its more than just a job

    A support worker is more than just a job, it is fulfilling, social, nurturing and empowering.



    A culture of respect, inclusion and growth.


    A work life balance

    Multiple leave entitlements and a variety of shift patterns to support individual needs and lifestyles with flexibility.


    Learning and Development

    Mentoring and skill advancement programs that encourage you to learn, develop and thrive both in and out of your role.


    Rewards and Recognitions

    Monthly staff awards based on a multitude of different impacts such as performance, improvements, coworker support and positivity.



    A competitive salary with regular salary reviews.
    Salary sacrifice for all permanent staff.


Please note in order to be employed with us you must have all the Support Worker Employment Requirements prior to commencement

Download Requirements

Job Opportunities

Disability Support Worker


Are you someone who thrives on making a difference? Are you driven by the belief that everyone deserves equal opportunities and a sense of belonging?

Job Posted: 15 Dec 23’